I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Pure Diamond Light
at the center of the Soft Pink Rose of Cosmic Divine Love.
I AM Expanding and Projecting the Pure Diamond Light
at the center of the Soft Pink Rose of Cosmic Divine Love.
at the center of the Soft Pink Rose of Cosmic Divine Love.
I AM Expanding and Projecting the Pure Diamond Light
at the center of the Soft Pink Rose of Cosmic Divine Love.
I AM the Harmony of my True Bring.
Around my four vehicles is a Pillar of Violet Fire.
Around that is my Mantle of Perfection, my Tube of Light
I AM a projected Ray of pure Light from the I AM Presence
and nothing less ...no other potential than my Divine Potential !
Around my four vehicles is a Pillar of Violet Fire.
Around that is my Mantle of Perfection, my Tube of Light
I AM a projected Ray of pure Light from the I AM Presence
and nothing less ...no other potential than my Divine Potential !
Divine Light is all knowing, all powerful and omnipresent!
The Violet Fire cleanses me of anything less than Divine Light.
The Violet Fire cleanses me physically of anything less than the Light.
The Violet Fire cleanses me etherically of anything less than the Light.
The Violet Fire cleanses me mentally of anything less than the Light.
The Violet Fire cleanses me emotionally of anything less than the Light.
The Violet Fire cleanses me of anything less than Divine Light.
The Violet Fire cleanses me physically of anything less than the Light.
The Violet Fire cleanses me etherically of anything less than the Light.
The Violet Fire cleanses me mentally of anything less than the Light.
The Violet Fire cleanses me emotionally of anything less than the Light.
I stand in a Pillar of Violet Fire from below my feet to above my head. It spirals outward, encompassing my entire body and aura. Operating beyond time-space, it blazes into every aspect of my life: every cell, atom, electron; all persons, places, conditions, things; ...my world, affairs and finances ...all since the beginning of ‘time’. As the Violet Fire transmutes and purifies my entire world, my Three-fold Flame then expands, expands, and forever expands, clearing the way for this Sacred Fire to reach my aura’s periphery. As my Three-fold Flame touches the Mantle of Perfection around my aura, a mystical transition begins and I stand forth Transfigured in the Light !. I remain within Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness with the Gathering of Ascended Humanity ! Together, standing in the Light, we sustain the necessary Cosmic Forcefields for Earth’s Ascension within the Great Cosmic Inbreath. This is my daily service to the Light and my greatest Joy . Beyond its global effects, this Mighty Cosmic Cause also begins my personal Ascension in the Light.
I was given the honor of embodiment at this Cosmic Moment. I came to be a Revelation of the Solar Christ Self, a Sun of the Sun. I came to be a Revelation of Unity with Angels and Elementals. I came to be a Revelation of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. I came as Revelation for Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness. I AM a Revelation of Divine Love within the Divine Feminine Ray ! I AM a Revelation of the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom !
I AM all this as I stand forth Transfigured in the Light !
Cochise Template, a beaitude of place called
I was given the honor of embodiment at this Cosmic Moment. I came to be a Revelation of the Solar Christ Self, a Sun of the Sun. I came to be a Revelation of Unity with Angels and Elementals. I came to be a Revelation of the Gathering of Ascended Humanity. I came as Revelation for Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness. I AM a Revelation of Divine Love within the Divine Feminine Ray ! I AM a Revelation of the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom !
I AM all this as I stand forth Transfigured in the Light !
Cochise Template, a beaitude of place called