To Whom it may concern,
For several years I have indirectly heard about what the Gate Way of Light and Integrated Health Corporation offers people in need through a bother-in-law. I observed how he was changing his life to a more spiritual life which included extending help to others primarily in providing healthy dietary food to people in need in his community. He was doing all of this at no charge. He prepared healthy meals and delivered them to people in need. I was pleasantly surprised that my brother-in-law was doing this nice deed for others. He mentioned that he was getting spiritual and nutritional help from somebody and he was just doing the right thing. As time progressed, I learned that it was a certain individual that he only knew by phone and never met but had such a positive influence on his spiritual life as well as his healthy eating. Many good changes occurred with my brother-in law, his business started to do good and he constantly demonstrated a very giving attitude towards everyone around him. My brother-in-law is still in contact with this individual from the Gate Way of Light. He mentioned this person's name many times, but I was removed from this that I dismissed it mostly but intrigued at my brothers-in-laws improved attitude mostly in spiritual and healthy ways.
Approximately 6 months ago this same brother-in-law mentioned that I should get in touch with his friend from Gate Way of Light and I did just that I was going through a rough time with my spirituality and various health problems mainly due to excessive stress in my life and a poor diet. This great human being from Gate Way of Light listened to my problems and gave me spiritual consultation keeping in line with my Catholic faith. This person mastered answers were a perfect match for my needs and has guided me towards a recovery path for the last six months. He spent hours listening and consulting with me on various options for me in regard to praying and thinking positive, praying for others around me, etc. He provided the web sites to Gate Way of Light, Integrated Health Corporation and various supporting sites online for meditation, sources to source healthy vegan type foods, suggested recipes and ingredient lists for me to cook healthier for me and my wife. I also have a lot of stress due to my job and this person has guided me through some tough times and provided options on how to deal with stressful situations. I always had a connection to my spirituality and nature but unharnessed. My friend from Gate Way of Light has helped me put that natural trait in me to good use. My problems have now a way of resolving themselves, I mostly pray them away and pray for others. This is a constant topic when my friend and I talk. My life has improved much.
My life, health and spirituality have improved much since being in contact with my friend from Gate Way of Light. I now am helping others with similar advice as was given to me. Everyone at Gate Way of Light and Integrated Health Corporation is like my friend than we as a society and human beings can bring hope to many.
I want to learn more and improve my life more by attending events at the facility and personally thanking the staff and members.
I have a long way to go specially in my dietary habits although I have already made improvements thanks to my friend at the Gate Way of Light and Integrated health Corporation.
Thank you, Gateway of Light and Integrated Health Corporation.
God Bless,
Elias Medina
I have been thinking about my beautiful experiences at Gateway of Light. They began before I had even visited the property. Mr. Hadanich introduced himself at our first phone meeting with much excitement about opening a spiritual/holistic type healing center. I have recognized for some time now that people are not well and have believed for some time that there must be a better way to heal. I also often escape to the mountains and recognize the benefits of such activities. I thought his location was perfect and could see it being an asset in the area. During that first meeting, he asked me a few questions and diagnosed a few of my weaknesses and health concerns, quickly offering advice of ways I could begin healing (both natural and spiritual). On numerous occasions he has emailed me information on specific holistic practices that could help me and my husband. I know dozens of people who have used the Center for healing and or Religious Worship. There are also many in the community of Sunsites in and out of the religious community that support their efforts and respect them as a neighborhood place of worship.
There are scriptures placed along the path when you enter to remind you of your worth and the holy nature of the area. There is a lovely chapel with a piano, pulpit, religious art and holy scriptures available and used for Sunday meetings which I have attended. There is a shop where you can buy healing stones, natural soaps and other items of interest, that are collected, produced and handcrafted by intermittent residents of the property. You never know what you will find in there, but I bet it would be good for you.
I have attended 2 of the meetings he holds on Sundays. One prior to Covid and one recently. The first meeting I attended was a nice dinner around the holidays. It was vegetarian and full of healthy ingredients but as satisfying as the Turkey Dinner it was meant to replace. Your body is a temple and every activity at the Center is designed to help you and heal you, including the hearty and cozy dinners that followed the worship services. The one I attended had at least 40 people in attendance.
I have also dropped in to seek advice and experience some peace. I met the numerous regulars that you would expect to see. A variety of young people were there, greeted me warmly, offered me lunch and visited and played music. They come and stay for short periods to lend a much-needed hand and a few weeks later a few of them were there at the worship service. On that regular afternoon, I had a chance to consult with an elderly religious practitioner who they address as doctor. He was careful and attentive and gave me some much needed help and advice on my use of essential oils and other remedies, supplements and routines that I already have and do, but could use better to make me well and scheduled a time for my husband to come out too.
I found their Sunday afternoon worship service delightful. I have always been a student of culture, religion and people so I may have enjoyed it more than most would. But everyone there was full of joy and peace and love too. I was very glad I went. This experience, filled with reverence for God, was unique but included a variety of worshipful activities and a few sermons that I would have expected to hear at any chapel on any Sabbath day. There were prayers that were familiar to me at the beginning and end and other types of praying and blessings throughout. Native American as well as Asian influence was incorporated into the meeting too, but it was mostly just exactly what the 12 people in the room could contribute and each were asked to share something if they wish. I know that everyone has a purpose on this beautiful earth, and I appreciate very much the mission of the Gateway of Light and the uniquely sacred experience it offers.
With much respect for all those concerned…I submit this humble observation.
Peggy Judd
To Whom it May Concern,
My name is Twinfeathers. I am an ordained interfaith/interspiritual minister who honors all spiritual traditions, not only those of our Native American brothers and sisters. I write this short letter in support of the Gateway of Light’s mission to help all of humanity through its services, ceremonies and the sacred properties themselves. I have personally attended these gatherings and helped hold a peace and joy filled ceremony at the Camino de Bibila location. All those serving at the Gateway of Light and Integrated Health Corporation are truly dedicated “sharing the message of living a life of purpose and harmony” and educating “visitors about living a healthy lifestyle through the foods we eat, daily exercises to create healthy habits, efficacious ways of handling stressful situations, and being in balance with the Earth, community, and ourselves . All these areas help us to be in alignment with the Truth.
The Gateway of Light’s two sacred sites are here for the good of all people and the good of the land to create a bridge with Spirit, for the understanding of the sacredness of our Earth and the connectedness of all its Peoples. Only in real-eye-zing this can we begin to live in Peace and Unity.
Thank you for your consideration.
Tucson, Arizona
Dear Sirs, January 28, 2021
I am writing you as the Founder and Director our Iskcon branch here in Tucson Arizona, established in 1987. We have over 600 centers worldwide and congregation and following in the millions.
On several occasions we have visited the Gateway of Light centers and have found them authentic, open, and practicing a very balanced and spiritual path. We participated in various religious ceremonies held on their premises. They are a genuine nonprofit society whose aim is to help humanity as an inclusive non-denominational path to Light through harmony and taking the best aspects of diverse, divine scriptures and applying them to their daily practice.
They have been honored to be made the caretaker of these two ancient spiritual sites located in Cochise. I have known George, the local director for many years and I cherish his association and his straightforwardness and integrity. He’s a successful entrepreneur who is volunteering his time and resources to help make this world a better place and I commend him for his selfless efforts.
As an official of the county, I feel that all people within our area are benefitting from the efforts and spiritual guidance of the Gateway of Light.
Sandamini Devi
Sandamini Devi
Director/Founder of ISKCON of Arizona
To whom It May Concern,
I am a long-time resident of Pearce/Sunsites in Cochise County and have been acquainted with George Hadanich, director of Gateway of Light and Integrated Health Corp for at least 6 years. I responded to his outreach, seeing the potential asset for the community and beyond in The Gateway of Light’s 2 beautiful properties, both on sacred land in natural settings in the foothills of the eastern Dragoon Mountains. All involved at the Gateway of Light have worked very hard since acquiring the 2 properties in fixing them up and preparing them as places of worship and healing, where people from the local communities and from afar can come as a place of spiritual refuge and to receive spiritual and holistic health and healing support and guidance.
I have witnessed George's dedication to teaching spiritual truths and genuinely sincere interest in helping others regain their health through natural healthy lifestyle choices. While doing volunteer service at Gateway of Light, I have heard him many times counseling others, both on the phone and in person, encouraging these important lifestyle choices.
Two years ago, George has also reached out and helped me through in-person meetings at Gateway and many consultations over the phone, email and texts instructing me in areas of spiritual growth and physical healing. The Gateway of Light even bought me equipment such as a nebulizer to help heal a chronic lung condition and a recorder to record my own voice speaking healing affirmations, both from which I received benefit and appreciated very much.
When the restorations of the commercial kitchen were completed, George wanted to provide the community with wonderful healthy vegetarian dinners to encourage a lifestyle that would help people both spiritually & physically. I volunteered to help out, assisting in set up, decorating, hostessing and clean-up. The dinner gatherings were well attended and appreciated, until we needed to discontinue due to COVID until restrictions are lifted.
I have also attended several Sunday meetings and spiritual ceremonies at Gateway of Light and have appreciated their inclusive, non-sectarian teachings.
Sharon Gibson (aka Nama Priya)
People were excited when Gateway of Light came to Pearce, and there was plenty of work to be done to create the dream of a spiritual sanctuary and healing center. Since then, the Gateway of Light has spent a lot of time and resources renovating and expanding the facilities on the properties to achieve that goal. They have gotten to know the local community. A healthy diet has always been an important part of The Gateway of Light’s understanding of spiritual and physical well-being and one that I share, so I was particularly interested when they upgraded the kitchen and had it re-certified in late 2019. George immediately wanted to start having vegan dinners there, and asked my help to do that, as I have cooking experience. We served a vegan Thanksgiving dinner on 11/21/19 to start things off, and it was very successful, so everyone decided we should do one every month.
About that time, I started attending the weekly Sunday service there, and got to know the regular volunteers and followers. These services and the monthly dinners were advertised locally, and some people were personally invited. There was no charge for anything, but people were encouraged to donate something for the dinners. Attendance varied but we cooked for 50 people each time. We hosted numerous dinners and were planning others when Covid arrived and we needed to suspend them temporarily.
Robin Cruickshank (Pearce resident)
To Whom it may concern:
My name is Sue Kay Wrigley, and I have been a resident of Cochise County off and on since 1996. Currently I reside in the Pearce/Sunsites area where I own several properties and have dedicated my current business to developing local programs to persons with disabilities and disadvantages. As you may know, our community, in general, is disadvantaged by the lack of services and programs for our residents. We do not have a grocery store, a bank or even a gas station here, as we once did. In fact, since the covid-19 restrictions, we do not even have a public library available to the many youngsters that now live here. We also lack city recreation programs like the wonderful choices available in cities like Sierra Vista, and we are not included in a county public transportation service, as many of the communities are. We once had a country club with a swimming pool where children could cool off in the hot summers, but the country club became a vineyard. When the Gateway of Light came to Sunsites area, I was elated, and since I have come to know the people who are responsible for its programs, I have made it a point to participate in their monthly meals and other frequent gatherings that the community is invited to. I have come to know George and Rev. Peter and Rev. Dr. Jesse, and others, and I have found them to be devoted people who are sincere about providing God centered positive experiences to people in our community as well as people from outside the area. It has also been nice to see the improvements that they are making to The Gateway of Light’s facilities. Prior to the covid restrictions, many people attended the wonderful gatherings and well-prepared healthy vegetarian Sunday dinners. Currently, I have 20 dance/baton/flag/ribbon/hoop students that are looking forward to performing at the Gateway of Light later this spring, and recently, we began a weekly art club for children and disabled adults of which we have had 13 participants, both free enrichment programs that make a little disadvantaged community like Sunsites a better place to live. My daughter and I, who both possess master degrees in counseling and child development, are also in current conference with George to develop a variety of spiritually oriented holistic outreach programs, to include bible study, neurofeedback, water therapy, bioacoustics, Myers-Briggs seminars among others. I am very happy that the Gateway of Light is becoming an integral part of our community, and I hope that it will be able to continue for many years to come.
Sincerely, Sue Kay Wrigley