iSummary ofthe Living Essene Way
These four principles are the articulation of the Living Essene Way as revealed to Rav
Gabriel Cousens and confirmed by the Essene community.
The Essene Communions
Essene Invocation
To awaken your eyes to the Divine Radiance
When humanity's eyes are on the material
world Is not easy.
But the most difficult ofan
Is to be the thoughts ofthe
Adonai, To Speak the words
ofthe Adonai And to do the will
As the children inherit the land oftheir parents
So have we inherited a Holy Land.from our
This land is not a.field to be
ploughed, But a place within us
Where we may build our Holy
Temple. And even as a temple must
be raised Stone by stone
So will I give to you those stones
For the building ofthe Holy
The Holy Temple can be
built With the ancient
Communions: Those which
are spoken, Those which
are thought,
And those which are lived.
For �fthey are spoken only with the
mouth, They are as a dead hive
Which the bees have.forsaken,
That gives no more honey
The Communions are a bridge
Between humanity and God.
And like a bridge
Can be built only with patience.
The living of 14 Communions
Is the sacred Tree of Life which
stands in the Sea of Eternity.
Hear me, Children of Light, for I impart to you the gift of tongues that by
communing with the Creation of Elohim in the morning,
And with the Inner Radiance in the Evening,
You may go closer and closer to uniting the inner and outer lights. And
reclaim that Oneness for which the Sons and Daughters of Humanity are
destined from the beginning of times.
Morning Communion with the ANGEL OF AIR:
My heart is filled with gratitude to you, Yah, for providing me
With the Angel of Air.
May I be blessed that the Angel of Air enter with my breath And
give the Air of Life to my body.
I commune with the Holy Breath
Which is placed higher
Than all other things created. For,
lo, the eternal sovereign Luminous
Where rule the unnumbered stars, Is
the air we breathe Out.
And in the moment betwixt the breathing in And
the breathing out
Is hidden all the mysteries
Of the infi nite garden.
Evening Communion with GOD:
Adonai, I, are One.
And as I close my eyes,
As a Child of the Light ,
in sleep, 1 enter into the unknown realms of Adonai .
1 bathe in the light of the stars,
And I am held by the hand of Adonai Elohim. A
spring of knowledge wells up within me,
A fountain o_f power,
Pouring forth !i- ing waters.
A flood of love,
And all-embracing wisdom--
Like the splendor of Light.
And one day the eyes of my spirit shall open And
I shall know all things.
Before the beginning of time,
The Holy Tree of Life sprang from the All Radiant One Which
endures forever in the midst of the Eternal Sea.
High in its branches sings a bird.
And those who have journeyed there
And have heard the mysterious song of the bird
Are those who shall know The Radiance of the Universe.
They shall ask for a name of the Radiant Light
And the answer shall be "I Am That I Am, " Being
the same as the Eternal I AM
Morning Communion with THE LIVING PLANET:
My heart is grateful for the emanation of the Earth from the Divine Radiance.
The Earth and I are one.
The Earth 's breath is my breath.
The Earth 's blood is my blood.
The Earth's bon_e, flesh, bowels, eyes and ears
Are my bone, my_flesh, my bowels and my ears.
Never will ! forsake the natural rhythms and nurturance o_f your planetary
love - offering.
And always will the Earth nourish and sustain my body.
And I will feel the power of Elohim, Creator o_f Earth
Flowing through my body.
Like a river when it is swollen with rains And
courses mightily with a great noise.
For none can live long , or be happy
Unless one honors God's Creation And
abides in the Living Law.
Honor God's g(ft o_f this Earth
That thy days be long upon the land.
Evening Communion with the ANGEL OF ETERNAL LIFE:
My heart is grateful.for the emanation of the Angel o_f Eternal L{fe.from the
Divine Radiance.
Adonai Elohim, may you bless me and give eternal life to my spirit.
I close my eyes as a Child of Light,
And in sleep contemplate the Oneness o_f all life everywhere.
For I tell you Jruly,
In the daylight hours are my feet on the ground,
And I have no wings with which to fly.
But my spirit is not tied to the earth
And with the coming of night
I overcome my attachment to the Earth And
join with that which is Eternal.
For the Children of Humanity are not always as they seem.
And only with the eyes of the spirit
Can I see those golden threads
Which link me with life everywhere.
The Angel of Eternal Life
Brings the message of Eternity to us all.
For one who walks with the Angels of Adonai Elohim Shall
soon learn to soar
Above the clouds.
And their home shall be The Eternal Sea Where
stands the sacred Tree of Life.
Morning Communion with the ANGEL OF TOPSOIL:
My heart is grateful for the emanation of the gift of your topsoil and power of
May I be blessed that all my seeds are fruitful, And
with your grace give life to my body.
Even as your love creates new life,
So courses throughout the earth the Holy Seed In
the grass, in the soil,
In all living things that grow.from the soil.
May I know as a Child of Light
That the same blessing of Elohim that makes my seed into Children A!so
makes the tiny acorn into this might oak
And makes the seed-bearing wheat to grow.for bread.
Adonai Elohim sent the Angel of Regeneration As
Holy messenger of the Radiance of the Universe,
To make the plants grow,
And to make fertile the womb of woman
That the Earth may never be without The
laughter of children.
Let us rejoice in the play of the Divine Radiance .
Evening Communion with the ANGEL OF CREATIVE WORK:
My heart is grateful to Elohim for gracing me through my work.
One who follows the Law fulfills their tasks
Without attachment to the result;
And whose work is always an act of honoring God's will
Does not need .furi'her blessings.
As I work in this way,
I always feel abundant,
So will the Angel of Creative Work nurture
And ripen the seed of my spirit
That I may see the radiance of the Divine.
Morning Communion with the ANGEL OF LIFE:
My heart is grateful to you, Elohim for filling me With
the Life-Force of the Cosmos.
May you bless me so I am made vital with the Holy Life Force.
For lo, if the wax is not pure,
How then can the candle give a steady.flame?
Angel of L fe, enter, with strength, the limbs of my body
And with these words embrace the Tree of Life
Even as I embrace this brother oak.
And I will.feel Adonai, through the Angel of L fe,
Flow into my arms and to my legs
And to all parts of my body.
Evening Communion with the ANGEL OF PEACE:
My heart is grateful to Adonaiforfilling me with the Holy Light of your Peace.
Peace, Peace, Peace
Be always everywhere.
l seek the Eternal Peace of God in all that lives.
In all I do,
In every word I speak.
For peace is the key to all knowledge To
all mystery,
To all l( fe.
Where there is no peace, there does Darkness reign.
- And the children of Darkness covet, most of all, to steal.from the
Children of Light, their peace.
I go therefore, on this night to the golden stream o_/L i ght.
And bring back to the morning the Peace o_f God that surpasses
That I may comfort the hearts o_f the Children o_/Light.
But to the soul that bath not Peace,
There is no place to build within
The Holy Temple .
For how can the carpenter build In
the midst of a whirlwind?
The seed ofviolerrce can reap
Only a harvest o_f desolation.
And from the parched clay
Can grow no living thing.
Peace dwells in the heart of silence. Be
still and know that I am God
Morning Communion with the ANGEL OF JOY:
My heart is grateful to you
I am, Adonai Elohim, for filling me with your Holy Joy. grateful.for
the joy of the Eternal Radiance
Which gives beauty to all humanity.
For Adonai Elohim is not worshipped with sadness, Nor
with cries of despair.
I leave my moans and lamentations
And sing to the lord a new song.
I sing unto the Lord of the Earth: Let
the heavens rejoice!
And let the Earth be glad!
Let the.fields be joyfulI
Let the floods clap their handsI
Let the hills be joyful together
Before Elohim.
For I shall go out with joy And
be lead forth with Peace. The
mountains and the hills
Shall break.forth before you into singing.
Angel of Joy,
Holy Messenger ofAdonai Elohim , I
will sing unto the Lord
As long as I live.
I will sing praise to my God
While I have a single spark of joy within.
Evening Communionwith the ANGEL OF POWER:
My heart is grateful to you, Adonai, who.fills me with your Holy Power .
Angel of Power, .fill all my deeds with Hol y Power .
May I be blessed that as a Child of Light I will not only think And
will not only.feel,
But I will also do.
And my acts will.fu(fill my thoughts and feelings
As the golden fruit of summer gives meaning
To the green leaves of spring.
May the golden river of power
Always flow from Thee to me.
And may my body always turn unto Thee
As the flower turns unto the sun.
For there is no power save that
Of the Divine Radiance of Adonai.
All else is but a dream of dust.
Morning Communionswith the ANGEL OF THE SUN:
My heart is grateful to you, Elohim, creator of the Angel of the Sun, which reflects
your Fountain of Light.
Thou dost pierce the darkness.
I am grateful for the rays of the Sun
Which fill my days with life and warmth.
Angel of the Sun!
Dart forth thy rays upon me!
I give myself to Thee and thy embrace.
Blessed with the fire of life!
A molten _fiood of holy joy
Flows toward mefrom Thee!" I
feel the rays of the rising sun
Enter into the center point of my body.
There, in the center, where the Angels of day and night mingle The
power of the sun shall be mine to direct to any part of my body.
Evening Communionwith the ANGEL OF LOVE:
My heart is grateful to you, Adonai, source of radiant love in the Universe.
May I be blessed that I am filled with your Angel of Love.
Please fill with love all my.feelings
For it is by love that I resonate with Blessed Adonai as Love. And
in love may the outer and inner male and.female be united.
Love is eternal.
Love is stronger than death .
And every night I shall bathe
In the holy water of the Angel of Love,
That with the morning I may baptize all Children of God
With kind deeds and gentle words.
For when the hearts of the Children of Light Are
bathed in Love,
Only kind and gentle words speak.forth. By
this we know the Children of Light Those
who walk with the.Angel of Love For they
Love Adonai
And they love their brethren
And they keep the Holy Law.
Love thy neighbor as thy Se(f
Morning Communionwith the ANGEL OF WATER:
My heart is grateful to you Elohim for creating the Water of Life. May I be blessed
that I know the Water of Life.
In my blood flow
A thousand pure springs
And vapors, and clouds
And all the waters
That spread over all the seven Kingdoms.
All the waters
The Creator hath made are Holy.
May I be blessed that the Angel of Water
Enter my blood
And give the water of Life to my body And
I feel the rushing current of the river,
As the power of the Angel o_f Water enters my blood.
And like rivulets of a stream
Send the power of Elohim
Through my blood to all the parts of my body.
And it shall be for healing
For the power of the Angel of Water is very great.
Evening Communion with the ANGEL OF WISDOM:
My heart is grateful to you Adonai for creating the Angel o_f Wisdom.
May I be blessed that your Holy Wisdom descend on me.
And. fill with wisdom all my thoughts.
May I know as a Child of Light
That thoughts are as powerful as the bolt of lightening that stabs Through
a storm
And splits asunder the mighty tree.
That which is done without wisdom is as a riderless horse,.
Mouth foaming and eyes wild,
Running crazed into a yawning chasm.
But when God's Wisdom governs my deeds, Then
is the path to the unknown realism established
And order and harmony governs my l( fe.
Adonai, grant me the wisdom to know the difference between
That which is Eternal and that which dwells in illusion.
Holy Wisdom, the understanding that unfolds continuously As
a scroll, yet does not come through learning.
All wisdom cometh from Adonai the Blessed
Who can tell the beginning of wisdom?
Wisdom hath been created
Before all things
The crown of wisdom Makes peace and perfect health to flourish .
SATURDAY: Peace with Radiance of the the Universe
If I say that Adonai Dwelleth within me,
Then are the heavens ashamed;
If I say that Adonai Dwelleth outside of me It
is a falsehood.
The eye which scanneth the far horizon
And the eye which seeth my heart
Is one eye.
Adonai is not man(fest
Adonai is not hidden
Adonai is neither revealed
Nor unrevealed.
There are no words
To tell that which Adonai, the blessed is
The One hath found peace
With the Radiant One
Hath entered the Sanctuary
Of the Holy Law
For in the beginning was the Law
And the Law was with God
And the Law was God
May the Sevenfold Peace of Adonai Elohim
Be with me always.
SUNDAY: Peace with the Living Earth
Blessed is the Child a/Light Who
knoweth the Creation of Adonai
For Adonai is the giver of l(fe.
The light of Adonai is in me
And thou art a Divine spark resonating in the Radianc e of the Universe.
None can live long, neither be happy
But one who is grateful for the blessed Earthly creation of Adonai
MONDAY: Peace with Culture
Blessed am I, a Child of Light
Who doth study the Book of the Law For
I shall be as a candle
In the darkness of night
And an island of truth In
a sea of falsehood..
The written Law
Is the instrument by which The
unwritten Law is understood.
TUESDAY:Peace with Humanity
There shall be no peace among peoples
Till there be one garden of humanity over
the Earth.
WEDNESDAY:Peace with the Family
Let my love be as a sun
Which shines on all the creatures of the earth And
does not favor one blade ofgrass for another.
And this love shallffow as a fountain
From one heart to another .
For the one who hath found peace with the human family
Hath entered into the kingdom of Love.
THURSDAY:Peace with the Mind
The crown of wisdom makes peace and per.fee{ health to flourish .
Bless me Adonai, that my power o_f thought is guided by Holy Wisdom
And may my thoughts alwa ys come.from Love
And build a paradis e on Earth
May I be blessed that my thoughts upl(fi the soul o_f humanit y
And are a healing blessing to the planet .
FRIDAY:Peace with the Body
May I be blessed as a Child ofLight
To be strong in body
That I shall have oneness with the Earth
For the one who hath.found peace with the body
Hath built a holy temple Wherein may dwell.forever
The Spirit o_f God.
Before all things
The crown of wisdom Makes peace and perfect health to fl.ourish.
SATURDAY: Peace with Radiance of the the Universe
If I say that Adonai Dwelleth within me,
Then are the heavens ashamed;
If I say that Adonai Dwelleth outside of me It
is a falsehood.
The eye which scanneth the far horizon And
the eye which seeth my heart
Is one eye.
Adonai is not manifest
Adonai is not hidden
Adonai is neither revealed
Nor unrevealed.
There are no words
To tell that which Adonai, the blessed is The
One hath found peace
With the Radiant One
Hath entered the Sanctuary
Of the Holy Law
For in the beginning was the Law
And the Law was with God
And the Law was God
May the Sevenfold Peace of Adonai Elohim
Be with me always.
SU DAY: Peace with the Living Earth
Blessed is the Child o_/Light
Who knoweth the Creation o.l Adonai
For Adonai is the giver o.ll( fe.
The light o.lAdonai is in me
And thou art a Divine spark resonating in the Radiance o_/the Universe.
None can live long, neither be happy
But one who is grateful/or the blessed Earthly creation o_f Adonai
MONDAY: Peace with Culture
Blessed am I, a Child o_f Light
These four principles are the articulation of the Living Essene Way as revealed to Rav
Gabriel Cousens and confirmed by the Essene community.
The Essene Communions
Essene Invocation
To awaken your eyes to the Divine Radiance
When humanity's eyes are on the material
world Is not easy.
But the most difficult ofan
Is to be the thoughts ofthe
Adonai, To Speak the words
ofthe Adonai And to do the will
As the children inherit the land oftheir parents
So have we inherited a Holy Land.from our
This land is not a.field to be
ploughed, But a place within us
Where we may build our Holy
Temple. And even as a temple must
be raised Stone by stone
So will I give to you those stones
For the building ofthe Holy
The Holy Temple can be
built With the ancient
Communions: Those which
are spoken, Those which
are thought,
And those which are lived.
For �fthey are spoken only with the
mouth, They are as a dead hive
Which the bees have.forsaken,
That gives no more honey
The Communions are a bridge
Between humanity and God.
And like a bridge
Can be built only with patience.
The living of 14 Communions
Is the sacred Tree of Life which
stands in the Sea of Eternity.
Hear me, Children of Light, for I impart to you the gift of tongues that by
communing with the Creation of Elohim in the morning,
And with the Inner Radiance in the Evening,
You may go closer and closer to uniting the inner and outer lights. And
reclaim that Oneness for which the Sons and Daughters of Humanity are
destined from the beginning of times.
Morning Communion with the ANGEL OF AIR:
My heart is filled with gratitude to you, Yah, for providing me
With the Angel of Air.
May I be blessed that the Angel of Air enter with my breath And
give the Air of Life to my body.
I commune with the Holy Breath
Which is placed higher
Than all other things created. For,
lo, the eternal sovereign Luminous
Where rule the unnumbered stars, Is
the air we breathe Out.
And in the moment betwixt the breathing in And
the breathing out
Is hidden all the mysteries
Of the infi nite garden.
Evening Communion with GOD:
Adonai, I, are One.
And as I close my eyes,
As a Child of the Light ,
in sleep, 1 enter into the unknown realms of Adonai .
1 bathe in the light of the stars,
And I am held by the hand of Adonai Elohim. A
spring of knowledge wells up within me,
A fountain o_f power,
Pouring forth !i- ing waters.
A flood of love,
And all-embracing wisdom--
Like the splendor of Light.
And one day the eyes of my spirit shall open And
I shall know all things.
Before the beginning of time,
The Holy Tree of Life sprang from the All Radiant One Which
endures forever in the midst of the Eternal Sea.
High in its branches sings a bird.
And those who have journeyed there
And have heard the mysterious song of the bird
Are those who shall know The Radiance of the Universe.
They shall ask for a name of the Radiant Light
And the answer shall be "I Am That I Am, " Being
the same as the Eternal I AM
Morning Communion with THE LIVING PLANET:
My heart is grateful for the emanation of the Earth from the Divine Radiance.
The Earth and I are one.
The Earth 's breath is my breath.
The Earth 's blood is my blood.
The Earth's bon_e, flesh, bowels, eyes and ears
Are my bone, my_flesh, my bowels and my ears.
Never will ! forsake the natural rhythms and nurturance o_f your planetary
love - offering.
And always will the Earth nourish and sustain my body.
And I will feel the power of Elohim, Creator o_f Earth
Flowing through my body.
Like a river when it is swollen with rains And
courses mightily with a great noise.
For none can live long , or be happy
Unless one honors God's Creation And
abides in the Living Law.
Honor God's g(ft o_f this Earth
That thy days be long upon the land.
Evening Communion with the ANGEL OF ETERNAL LIFE:
My heart is grateful.for the emanation of the Angel o_f Eternal L{fe.from the
Divine Radiance.
Adonai Elohim, may you bless me and give eternal life to my spirit.
I close my eyes as a Child of Light,
And in sleep contemplate the Oneness o_f all life everywhere.
For I tell you Jruly,
In the daylight hours are my feet on the ground,
And I have no wings with which to fly.
But my spirit is not tied to the earth
And with the coming of night
I overcome my attachment to the Earth And
join with that which is Eternal.
For the Children of Humanity are not always as they seem.
And only with the eyes of the spirit
Can I see those golden threads
Which link me with life everywhere.
The Angel of Eternal Life
Brings the message of Eternity to us all.
For one who walks with the Angels of Adonai Elohim Shall
soon learn to soar
Above the clouds.
And their home shall be The Eternal Sea Where
stands the sacred Tree of Life.
Morning Communion with the ANGEL OF TOPSOIL:
My heart is grateful for the emanation of the gift of your topsoil and power of
May I be blessed that all my seeds are fruitful, And
with your grace give life to my body.
Even as your love creates new life,
So courses throughout the earth the Holy Seed In
the grass, in the soil,
In all living things that grow.from the soil.
May I know as a Child of Light
That the same blessing of Elohim that makes my seed into Children A!so
makes the tiny acorn into this might oak
And makes the seed-bearing wheat to grow.for bread.
Adonai Elohim sent the Angel of Regeneration As
Holy messenger of the Radiance of the Universe,
To make the plants grow,
And to make fertile the womb of woman
That the Earth may never be without The
laughter of children.
Let us rejoice in the play of the Divine Radiance .
Evening Communion with the ANGEL OF CREATIVE WORK:
My heart is grateful to Elohim for gracing me through my work.
One who follows the Law fulfills their tasks
Without attachment to the result;
And whose work is always an act of honoring God's will
Does not need .furi'her blessings.
As I work in this way,
I always feel abundant,
So will the Angel of Creative Work nurture
And ripen the seed of my spirit
That I may see the radiance of the Divine.
Morning Communion with the ANGEL OF LIFE:
My heart is grateful to you, Elohim for filling me With
the Life-Force of the Cosmos.
May you bless me so I am made vital with the Holy Life Force.
For lo, if the wax is not pure,
How then can the candle give a steady.flame?
Angel of L fe, enter, with strength, the limbs of my body
And with these words embrace the Tree of Life
Even as I embrace this brother oak.
And I will.feel Adonai, through the Angel of L fe,
Flow into my arms and to my legs
And to all parts of my body.
Evening Communion with the ANGEL OF PEACE:
My heart is grateful to Adonaiforfilling me with the Holy Light of your Peace.
Peace, Peace, Peace
Be always everywhere.
l seek the Eternal Peace of God in all that lives.
In all I do,
In every word I speak.
For peace is the key to all knowledge To
all mystery,
To all l( fe.
Where there is no peace, there does Darkness reign.
- And the children of Darkness covet, most of all, to steal.from the
Children of Light, their peace.
I go therefore, on this night to the golden stream o_/L i ght.
And bring back to the morning the Peace o_f God that surpasses
That I may comfort the hearts o_f the Children o_/Light.
But to the soul that bath not Peace,
There is no place to build within
The Holy Temple .
For how can the carpenter build In
the midst of a whirlwind?
The seed ofviolerrce can reap
Only a harvest o_f desolation.
And from the parched clay
Can grow no living thing.
Peace dwells in the heart of silence. Be
still and know that I am God
Morning Communion with the ANGEL OF JOY:
My heart is grateful to you
I am, Adonai Elohim, for filling me with your Holy Joy. grateful.for
the joy of the Eternal Radiance
Which gives beauty to all humanity.
For Adonai Elohim is not worshipped with sadness, Nor
with cries of despair.
I leave my moans and lamentations
And sing to the lord a new song.
I sing unto the Lord of the Earth: Let
the heavens rejoice!
And let the Earth be glad!
Let the.fields be joyfulI
Let the floods clap their handsI
Let the hills be joyful together
Before Elohim.
For I shall go out with joy And
be lead forth with Peace. The
mountains and the hills
Shall break.forth before you into singing.
Angel of Joy,
Holy Messenger ofAdonai Elohim , I
will sing unto the Lord
As long as I live.
I will sing praise to my God
While I have a single spark of joy within.
Evening Communionwith the ANGEL OF POWER:
My heart is grateful to you, Adonai, who.fills me with your Holy Power .
Angel of Power, .fill all my deeds with Hol y Power .
May I be blessed that as a Child of Light I will not only think And
will not only.feel,
But I will also do.
And my acts will.fu(fill my thoughts and feelings
As the golden fruit of summer gives meaning
To the green leaves of spring.
May the golden river of power
Always flow from Thee to me.
And may my body always turn unto Thee
As the flower turns unto the sun.
For there is no power save that
Of the Divine Radiance of Adonai.
All else is but a dream of dust.
Morning Communionswith the ANGEL OF THE SUN:
My heart is grateful to you, Elohim, creator of the Angel of the Sun, which reflects
your Fountain of Light.
Thou dost pierce the darkness.
I am grateful for the rays of the Sun
Which fill my days with life and warmth.
Angel of the Sun!
Dart forth thy rays upon me!
I give myself to Thee and thy embrace.
Blessed with the fire of life!
A molten _fiood of holy joy
Flows toward mefrom Thee!" I
feel the rays of the rising sun
Enter into the center point of my body.
There, in the center, where the Angels of day and night mingle The
power of the sun shall be mine to direct to any part of my body.
Evening Communionwith the ANGEL OF LOVE:
My heart is grateful to you, Adonai, source of radiant love in the Universe.
May I be blessed that I am filled with your Angel of Love.
Please fill with love all my.feelings
For it is by love that I resonate with Blessed Adonai as Love. And
in love may the outer and inner male and.female be united.
Love is eternal.
Love is stronger than death .
And every night I shall bathe
In the holy water of the Angel of Love,
That with the morning I may baptize all Children of God
With kind deeds and gentle words.
For when the hearts of the Children of Light Are
bathed in Love,
Only kind and gentle words speak.forth. By
this we know the Children of Light Those
who walk with the.Angel of Love For they
Love Adonai
And they love their brethren
And they keep the Holy Law.
Love thy neighbor as thy Se(f
Morning Communionwith the ANGEL OF WATER:
My heart is grateful to you Elohim for creating the Water of Life. May I be blessed
that I know the Water of Life.
In my blood flow
A thousand pure springs
And vapors, and clouds
And all the waters
That spread over all the seven Kingdoms.
All the waters
The Creator hath made are Holy.
May I be blessed that the Angel of Water
Enter my blood
And give the water of Life to my body And
I feel the rushing current of the river,
As the power of the Angel o_f Water enters my blood.
And like rivulets of a stream
Send the power of Elohim
Through my blood to all the parts of my body.
And it shall be for healing
For the power of the Angel of Water is very great.
Evening Communion with the ANGEL OF WISDOM:
My heart is grateful to you Adonai for creating the Angel o_f Wisdom.
May I be blessed that your Holy Wisdom descend on me.
And. fill with wisdom all my thoughts.
May I know as a Child of Light
That thoughts are as powerful as the bolt of lightening that stabs Through
a storm
And splits asunder the mighty tree.
That which is done without wisdom is as a riderless horse,.
Mouth foaming and eyes wild,
Running crazed into a yawning chasm.
But when God's Wisdom governs my deeds, Then
is the path to the unknown realism established
And order and harmony governs my l( fe.
Adonai, grant me the wisdom to know the difference between
That which is Eternal and that which dwells in illusion.
Holy Wisdom, the understanding that unfolds continuously As
a scroll, yet does not come through learning.
All wisdom cometh from Adonai the Blessed
Who can tell the beginning of wisdom?
Wisdom hath been created
Before all things
The crown of wisdom Makes peace and perfect health to flourish .
SATURDAY: Peace with Radiance of the the Universe
If I say that Adonai Dwelleth within me,
Then are the heavens ashamed;
If I say that Adonai Dwelleth outside of me It
is a falsehood.
The eye which scanneth the far horizon
And the eye which seeth my heart
Is one eye.
Adonai is not man(fest
Adonai is not hidden
Adonai is neither revealed
Nor unrevealed.
There are no words
To tell that which Adonai, the blessed is
The One hath found peace
With the Radiant One
Hath entered the Sanctuary
Of the Holy Law
For in the beginning was the Law
And the Law was with God
And the Law was God
May the Sevenfold Peace of Adonai Elohim
Be with me always.
SUNDAY: Peace with the Living Earth
Blessed is the Child a/Light Who
knoweth the Creation of Adonai
For Adonai is the giver of l(fe.
The light of Adonai is in me
And thou art a Divine spark resonating in the Radianc e of the Universe.
None can live long, neither be happy
But one who is grateful for the blessed Earthly creation of Adonai
MONDAY: Peace with Culture
Blessed am I, a Child of Light
Who doth study the Book of the Law For
I shall be as a candle
In the darkness of night
And an island of truth In
a sea of falsehood..
The written Law
Is the instrument by which The
unwritten Law is understood.
TUESDAY:Peace with Humanity
There shall be no peace among peoples
Till there be one garden of humanity over
the Earth.
WEDNESDAY:Peace with the Family
Let my love be as a sun
Which shines on all the creatures of the earth And
does not favor one blade ofgrass for another.
And this love shallffow as a fountain
From one heart to another .
For the one who hath found peace with the human family
Hath entered into the kingdom of Love.
THURSDAY:Peace with the Mind
The crown of wisdom makes peace and per.fee{ health to flourish .
Bless me Adonai, that my power o_f thought is guided by Holy Wisdom
And may my thoughts alwa ys come.from Love
And build a paradis e on Earth
May I be blessed that my thoughts upl(fi the soul o_f humanit y
And are a healing blessing to the planet .
FRIDAY:Peace with the Body
May I be blessed as a Child ofLight
To be strong in body
That I shall have oneness with the Earth
For the one who hath.found peace with the body
Hath built a holy temple Wherein may dwell.forever
The Spirit o_f God.
Before all things
The crown of wisdom Makes peace and perfect health to fl.ourish.
SATURDAY: Peace with Radiance of the the Universe
If I say that Adonai Dwelleth within me,
Then are the heavens ashamed;
If I say that Adonai Dwelleth outside of me It
is a falsehood.
The eye which scanneth the far horizon And
the eye which seeth my heart
Is one eye.
Adonai is not manifest
Adonai is not hidden
Adonai is neither revealed
Nor unrevealed.
There are no words
To tell that which Adonai, the blessed is The
One hath found peace
With the Radiant One
Hath entered the Sanctuary
Of the Holy Law
For in the beginning was the Law
And the Law was with God
And the Law was God
May the Sevenfold Peace of Adonai Elohim
Be with me always.
SU DAY: Peace with the Living Earth
Blessed is the Child o_/Light
Who knoweth the Creation o.l Adonai
For Adonai is the giver o.ll( fe.
The light o.lAdonai is in me
And thou art a Divine spark resonating in the Radiance o_/the Universe.
None can live long, neither be happy
But one who is grateful/or the blessed Earthly creation o_f Adonai
MONDAY: Peace with Culture
Blessed am I, a Child o_f Light