To be healthy and live purposefully we must first start with a strong foundation. Eating a nutritious appropriate diet, Movement of the body and adequate Sleep are the building blocks of a strong physical foundation. Too often these are neglected to some extent and the Temple which is built upon a weak foundation will not last. These are also some of the things in life in which we have the most control over, hopefully. And of course stay hydrated! Take control of these 3 fundamentals first and the hard parts over.
For more information and how to get started taking care of your physical realm, visit our sister site: Integrated Health |
Nourishment is needed by all beings. Humans are diverse and varied in what makes a 'healthy diet'. We are not knowledgeable enough to tell you what to eat to maintain your optimal health. Only you can feel and analyze how your body reacts to any specific food or diet. We have noticed however that those seeking a higher state of consciousness find that adopting a simple plant based diet is beneficial to their practice. The most recent science is revealing how our microbiome may be responsible for all kinds of key responses in the body, brain and immune system with potential to heal the body by restoring balance of the ecosystem within our gut.
Humans are made to move! No single better thing that you can do for yourself than to move. Yoga, Tai Chi, martial arts, disc golf, walking around the block to drop down and give me 10 pushups! So many ways to incorporate movement into your daily life and so important. Keeping moving can really help with not only the physical body but also the chemicals in our brains. Movement creates a positive feedback loop; the more you move the more you want to move and the easier it gets. Most people do not get enough movement and very few get enough proper healthy movement in regularly. This usually requires some sort of routine to ensure maintenance of the body's flexibility and strength.
The science of sleep has come a long way in understanding the bodies rest state. Everyone has a different internal clock and biorhythm meaning everyone has a unique set of needs for full rest and recovery during sleep.Finding the optimal time and amount of sleep your body desires is crucial to being in optimal health. If your body can not get the rest it needs than you will not be able to run at your best. The way you sleep and what you sleep on may also be able to be adjusted to get better deeper rest.